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Hello, this is Jack Kearney, Managing Director of Trinitas Business Valuations.

The eighth driver of company value and sellability is HUB & SPOKE.  Hub & Spoke refers to how dependent your company is on you personally.  When an acquirer comes in to buy your business, they are g...

02.03.24 05:21 PM - Comment(s)

Hello, this is Jack Kearney, Managing Director of Trinitas Business Valuations.

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION is an obvious driver of Sellability, right? It is the seventh Value Driver.  How satisfied are your customers is going to be important to a buyer. Again, when a buyer buys a company, they a...

02.03.24 04:54 PM - Comment(s)

Hello, this is Jack Kearney, Managing Director of Trinitas Business Valuations.

MARKET DIFFERENTIATION (or MONOPOLY CONTROL) is the sixth Value Driver.  Monopoly Control is an attribute of sellability that means that you have control over how you price your product. You are not being commod...

02.03.24 04:50 PM - Comment(s)

Hello, this is Jack Kearney, Managing Director of Trinitas Business Valuations.

RECURRING REVENUE is the fifth Value Driver and one of the most critical.  When a buyer comes in to buy your business, they want to understand how is this business going to continue when you, the owner, leave? T...

02.03.24 04:16 PM - Comment(s)

Hello, this is Jack Kearney, Managing Director of Trinitas Business Valuations.

The fourth Value Driver deals with cash flow.  Do you remember when you were a kid, and you would go to the playground and you would be on a see saw or teeter totter? There is a light kid, and a heavier kid gets...

02.03.24 04:14 PM - Comment(s)